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The Waiting Warriors Podcast

Mar 22, 2021

Liz likes to be organized, but has learned over several PCS moves that life doesn't always go according to plan. She shares her experiences and tips for how to plan for the unexpected.


"A lot of it is out of our control, but it's our response to those things that kind of shape our attitude and they shape our growth....

Mar 15, 2021

PCS season can be stressful, emotional, and downright difficult, and if you have kids it can be even more so. Michelle shares four tips that she has personally used to help her own kids deal with the craziness of moving.


"Negative emotion isn't something we need to keep from happening, but we can learn for ourselves...

Mar 9, 2021

After 13 moves in 13 years, Mallory is the DITY queen. She shares why she chooses to DITY each time, as well as tips on how to stay organized and simplify the move process.


"My goal is to make [DITY moves] less overwhelming. So I'm not saying that you're not going to be overwhelmed...moving is hard and there's a lot...

Mar 1, 2021

As an army veteran herself and now a military spouse, Megan has loads of experience with PCSing. Listen as she shares detailed ways to keep track of current regulations, keep control of your move, and get through your PCS with as little stress as possible.


"What I tell people to not be stressed about [a PCS] is it...